Wednesday, September 23, 2009

readings due for wednesday

why is this still an issue. this is a question that hopefully will never be asked in the future. this is usually caused by people that feel inferior about themselves. and need someting to make them feel better. its been over 40 years and some has changed. we need to do our part to exstinguish these flames of hate. people need to get over there ignorence. men were created equal. when this was said there were no exceptions.

what makes us so different. the only difference we have is where are ancestors were from. this does not change the fact that we are equal. kids need to be brought up in a society that does not hate just because where we come from. we need to except that some people will continue to live in there ignorence.

readings for monday

after doing the reading assigned in my english class i have found that there is a lot of sexism in sdds. i went to youtube to re-watch the videos that i have enjoyed. one of the videos that i like is actually a commercial for a video game.
the video is advertising the world of warcraft videogame. the commercial starts off by saying that she has too much sex with her boyfriend. she then asks how can she change this. thats when world of warcraft answers the call.
this is very sexist to me. it sterio types first how males always want sex. then it also sterotypes that if you play video games that the games own your life. there is alot of other things the video gets into. you will just have to watch for youselves.this is just one way that sterotypes are born. not everone is like that.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


lessig is right in so many ways. yes piracy is wrong. just because it is simple to do does not give us the right to illegally download music. movies are now getting to the point where movie theaters have to raise prices just to stay in business. most people dont know what they are doing to other people. thats they dont know them. this interns gives them the idea that it is not as bad as stealing cady from a grocery store

piracy is just like stealing from some one you might know. the only difference you do not realize how you could be affecting someone's life. some one might count on the sales just to feed there family. think of piracy as stealing from the harmless and the hungary. that is not right. the main problem is everyone thinks these companies have all the money in the world. who could it hurt. the fact is it could hurt alot. now with the progrees of memory expansion this becomes an ever increasing issue.

i use to be one of these people that thought there was nothing wrong with it. i realize we are not hurting the celebrities or the record company. its the employees that work for them thst feel the effect of pirscy. they lower there wages so they can have the desired flow of money. if the employees dont like the solution. they can always find someone else. yes its not one person we owe to blame but many people we owe to blame. we owe to people that are trying to just provide for there families to stop the progressing of this disease. yes piracy is a disease