Wednesday, November 18, 2009


i attended this play last night. i have read and seen the movie that this play was adapted from. i love dracula movies and books but never had i seen it performed. this intrigued me. i wondered what it would be like. dracula started in the mansion next to the count's house called carfax. the mansion had two patients lucy and renfield. renfield was the most liked character in the play. he was interesting from climbing stage props to scaring the front row by almost landing on top of them. dracula character was acted almost like the original one in the movies. i like this play better than any of the movies that portray dracula. the actors were magnificant. the ending when they came back out for the bow was well liked. anyone that reads this shold go watch the play.

nira has no gender

i watched this play the final night it was shown. this play was sold out 30 minutes before the show started. the show was about an african village. in this village a man loved women but dared not to tell her parents. the parents found out and were mad with rage they attempted to get along. but she insisted they get married. the play was very well acted out. the actors were not shy at all seemed to actually be that person. the play's music was played live by two men on the bongos. the scene transissions were vocal and molodic. overall this play was very interesting

unit 4 in english

this is an interesting take on poetry. at least it doesnt have to be in old english like in shakespeare's day im looking foward in to developing this project. i am not the most outspoken person in the world. curious where it will lead me. the jon sands guy was the poet that i liked. i could relate to the topics he talked about. the emotional idiot was the most interesting. she contradicted every statement said. she shows how some women never make since. sands talkes about subjects that most never even speak but seems to not have a care in the world. when we watched sal williams is when i started thinking about the subject.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

readings due for wednesday

why is this still an issue. this is a question that hopefully will never be asked in the future. this is usually caused by people that feel inferior about themselves. and need someting to make them feel better. its been over 40 years and some has changed. we need to do our part to exstinguish these flames of hate. people need to get over there ignorence. men were created equal. when this was said there were no exceptions.

what makes us so different. the only difference we have is where are ancestors were from. this does not change the fact that we are equal. kids need to be brought up in a society that does not hate just because where we come from. we need to except that some people will continue to live in there ignorence.

readings for monday

after doing the reading assigned in my english class i have found that there is a lot of sexism in sdds. i went to youtube to re-watch the videos that i have enjoyed. one of the videos that i like is actually a commercial for a video game.
the video is advertising the world of warcraft videogame. the commercial starts off by saying that she has too much sex with her boyfriend. she then asks how can she change this. thats when world of warcraft answers the call.
this is very sexist to me. it sterio types first how males always want sex. then it also sterotypes that if you play video games that the games own your life. there is alot of other things the video gets into. you will just have to watch for youselves.this is just one way that sterotypes are born. not everone is like that.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


lessig is right in so many ways. yes piracy is wrong. just because it is simple to do does not give us the right to illegally download music. movies are now getting to the point where movie theaters have to raise prices just to stay in business. most people dont know what they are doing to other people. thats they dont know them. this interns gives them the idea that it is not as bad as stealing cady from a grocery store

piracy is just like stealing from some one you might know. the only difference you do not realize how you could be affecting someone's life. some one might count on the sales just to feed there family. think of piracy as stealing from the harmless and the hungary. that is not right. the main problem is everyone thinks these companies have all the money in the world. who could it hurt. the fact is it could hurt alot. now with the progrees of memory expansion this becomes an ever increasing issue.

i use to be one of these people that thought there was nothing wrong with it. i realize we are not hurting the celebrities or the record company. its the employees that work for them thst feel the effect of pirscy. they lower there wages so they can have the desired flow of money. if the employees dont like the solution. they can always find someone else. yes its not one person we owe to blame but many people we owe to blame. we owe to people that are trying to just provide for there families to stop the progressing of this disease. yes piracy is a disease

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

readings for english 2

This read was not as bad as the last one. The one about the mechanic was ok. I’m not a car junky I guess. She was interesting the way she spent her time fixing a car that is not even made anymore. These cars were hard to fix as so mentioned in the text. She takes it upon herself to learn how to fix it because she would not give up the car and someone needed to fix the car. It’s kind of creepy the way she describes the relationship with cars. I know she loves the cars. She has named every car she owns. She talks to them like they are human beings. She also talks about how she thinks every car has a heart. That she tells them goodnight before she herself turns in for the night. This a little strange to me. These cars are old not made anymore. I don’t see how she pays the bills. It must be hard to find customers. The cars are like 50 years old so soon she will eventually run out of cars to fix. Then she will run out of money lose the shop and the cars that she loves.
The fortune cookie guy was a cool read. He is vice president of Wonton Foods, inc. he also is the guy that writes fortune cookies. He never thought in a million years he would use his engineering-business degree to write fortune cookies. He was presented this job because everyone else could barely speak English. Well he sees that writing these fortunes is not so bad he gets his inspiration by letting it come to him. He does this by just observing his surroundings. He would see a quote and write it down in his little journal that he kept on him at all times just in case he might think of one or see one. I think it was funny how the numbers on the fortune cookie matched that of the lottery numbers and how so many people had won the lottery. He then explains how he only makes the fortune. The numbers come from a computer made to be random. He wishes that the computer could do the fortunes for him also. He then gets what he calls writers block and cannot come up with anymore. He then passes this on to another person to do the job.
The Johnny Depp one interested me the most. I have seen some of his movies so it was easy for me to read and understand it. I did not know that he was angry person but I also never looked into it much. It talks about how he started out as a musician and opened for Iggy Pop. That must have been cool to have been a part of. He also does not like the fame. This is weird because most of the people in Hollywood do. He likes being himself without all of that drama. So after running from being a teen idol, He does films that are not very big so he can keep his peace. Well after awhile he finds out he still is angry. One day he meets the love of his life. He then has kids with the girl he starts to settle down and starts to watch Disney movies with his daughter. He then goes to Disney to see he could possibly do a voice-over for one of the new moves. This is when he finds out about the new pirate movie that they were doing. He said that he would happily do it for his kids and now he lives a happy life with his family

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

first idea is the winter of 1997 this winter was like any other winter to most people. This would be a first for me. This winter I was about to turn eight. Well my mom was pregnant about 5 months into November when she started to get sick. Then I was picked up one day at school by my aunt. She said my mom was sent to Centennial medical center in Nashville. They said that she and the baby were having complications. So I stayed with my grandparents in murfreesboro.
When I was in first grade I was playing on the ground. Broke my arm. this I did horse playing. This was before easter that year. My wrist was shattered to six pieces. By the fall on the playground. i was a rough kid and was hurt most of the time. This never hindered me from playing but when I broke my arm this put me out for months. The only good was I missed a couple of days of school.
My mom is one to move around a lot. So she one day decided that we wold to Florida. This didn't really bother me. This was a way to get to know the other side of my family. I'm a curious one and I wanted to get to know them. We moved into my great grandmother in Florida. I knew this would be fun. I met cousins aunts nephews and nieces

Sunday, January 25, 2009

english reading 1

This was an interesting read. The girl obsessed over Mick Jagger was crazy. She centered her life on meeting someone famous. Ok he is from rolling stones, but why drop down so low just to see him. Then she breaks down because she does not want him see her in her current state. Therefore, the story just seems to me to be a waste of time and youth. I do not see why someone would step to such a level just for a chance to meet someone of his or her dreams. This story made no since.

As for Us and Them, this story was insane. Ok the family does not watch TV when they eat of watch it for entertainment. Ok it is weird to us but that does not give the kid the right to watch their house and spy on them every moment he gets. This kid obsesses over the fact they do not watch TV. My opinion is this kid watches to much TV. As for the part of Halloween, This was just plain retarded. The kid does not like chocolate but its name brand. Therefore, he eats it is because he does not want them to have any. This results in him getting a huge headache.

Memoirs was the only one I liked. This was a story that did not waste time for no reason. This story interested me. This was a story about a girl that grew up in a time of war. The girl recalls her memory of one night were a battle raged outside of her house. In addition, all her family could do was run for cover until it died down. She then later looked up the history of the war that took place when she was a child. This was a good read.


wondering if this works